Dadabo, Betsy
I received my Bachelors in Teaching English as a Second Language from Bethel University and my Masters in Library Science from St. Catherine University.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you say your name?
Duh - Dah - bo
What do you do anyway?
I teach research classes, order and add new books and remove old ones. I also am available any time you see me out in the library to answer questions about finding things, how to cite your research, book suggestions, help using the library computers and or just a friendly ear to listen to you.
Have you read every book in the library?
Not even close. I'm a nerd so I did the math on this one. We have around 50,000 books in the library. If there are an average of 200 pages per book and reading at an average rate, it would take me 14,000,000 hours to read every book. I have read quite a few books though so if you need a recommendation or want to chat about a book, stop by.
Betsy Dadabo
Librarian/Theory of Knowledge Teacher
phone: 651-793-3159
email: betsy.dadabo (at)