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Health and Safety Services

Harding High School Nurse's Office

Harding High School provides nursing services to students to enhance educational achievement by the modification or removal of health-related barriers to learning. Additionally, the nurse's office assists students to be self-sufficient in managing their healthcare within age appropriate expectations, thereby preparing all students for life.

Health Start School-based Clinic

Health Start Clinic is available to all St. Paul high school students, whether they have medical insurance or not.

Health Start staff includes: Nurse practitioners, Social workers, Nutritionists, Health educators, Medical Assistants

Health Start provides:

  • Medical care including check-ups, sports physicals & immunizations; care for illness, injuries, asthma, acne & other common teen concerns; reproductive health such as pregnancy and STI prevention & testing.
  • Mental health assessment, diagnosis, counseling, psychotherapy, consultation; someone to talk to and receive support from.
  • Nutrition counseling for weight loss or gain plans, anemia, sports nutrition, healthy eating habits, & developing positive food relationships.
  • Individual health education and classroom education on decision making and relationships, puberty & reproductive health, stress management, sleep & relaxation, smoking cessation, pregnancy prevention & prenatal education.

Location: We are next to the school nurse’s office.

Contact Information

Robert Hardman
School Nurse
(651)305-5928 (fax)

Nurse's Hours
8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. daily

Health Start Clinic

Direct line: (651)778-2884 

Summer hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday

Regular hours: Monday-Friday during school hours
Students are usually seen 8:00am - 4:00pm via scheduled appointments or by walk-ins.