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Credit Union

Blaze Credit Union®  Knights Branch is a student-run financial institution at Harding Senior High School. 

Blaze Credit Union Logo

The Knights Branch is located next to the lunchroom and open Monday – Friday, 10:10 am – 12:20 pm. At the branch, you can complete traditional teller transactions (on Tuesdays only), open savings and checking accounts, play financial trivia, ask questions, get financial advice and much more. You can also get ATM/debit cards linked to your Blaze  accounts for easy access to your money after school, during summer and after graduation.

Student interns and a Blaze School Branch Coordinator run the Knights Branch. Blaze offers paid internships to Harding students 16 years of age and older. Through the internships, students gain experience creating resumes, going through the job interview process and training throughout the summer at Blaze's Main Office. The students also become the teachers of financial literacy among their peers.

Blaze is passionate about empowering youth. Their goal is to provide financial education along with real-life experiences to engage students and teach them skills that will prepare them for college, careers and beyond. The student-run branch is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about financial services, credit responsibility and work-readiness through hands-on experience.

To learn more about Blaze and the benefits of credit union membership, visit

Federally insured by NCUA