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Databases and Online Resources


Britannica Academic Edition: Provides  articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors and  other distinguished contributors. Grades 9-12.

Britannica School Edition: Geared for  school-related research topics, this group of 4 encyclopedias includes 3  levels: elementary, middle or high school.

General Research Databases

Gale Student Resources in Context: Contextual  information on a wide range of topics. Full-text magazines, academic  journals, news articles, primary source docs, images, videos, audio files and links to websites.

InfoTrac Student Edition: Over 1100 titles,  cross searchable with E-Books, periodical database designed for high school  students

Student Research Center: Magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles, plus multimedia files for middle and high school students.

Academic Search Complete: Thousands of scholarly publications across all academic disciples.

EBSCO MegaFILE: Thousands of popular and scholarly publications across all academic disciplines and subject areas.


Try searching these resources for biographical information.

Gale Student Resources in Context: Contextual  information on a wide range of topics. Full-text magazines, academic  journals, news articles, primary source docs, images, videos, audio files and links to websites. Also contains biographical information on many famous, influential, and notable individuals. 

Student Research Center: Magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles, plus multimedia files for middle and high school students. Also contains a biography category.

Britannica Academic Edition: Provides  articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors and  other distinguished contributors. Grades 9-12. Also contains biographical entries.

Britannica School Edition: Geared for  school-related research topics, this group of 4 encyclopedias includes 3  levels: elementary, middle or high school. Also contains biographical entries.

Health and Medicine Databases

Consumer Health Complete: Popular and professionally written information for patients and consumers covering all health-related topics from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Available through the Electronic Library for Minnesota.

Salem Health:  Includes Magill’s Medical Guide which covers 3,500 pages of  diseases, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, anatomy, biology,  and issues in an A-Z format, with sidebars addressing recent developments in  medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders.   Also included is Salem Health: Cancer, an A-Z encyclopedia for  patients with information about 835 topics on cancer. (remote access: spps625)

History Databases

Salem History: Covers the 1950's through the 1990's in America in Decades and also includes Great Lives from History; The Ancient World Through the Twentieth Century; Great Events: The Ancient World Through the Twentieth Century; Notorious Lives; Modern Scandals; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Events; Milestone Documents in American History; Great Athletes, Musicians & Composer of the 20th Century; Inventors & Inventions and Weapons & Warfare.

Sharpe United States History & Culture: Contains the following reference sets: Colonial America, Encyclopedia of the Guilded Age and Progressive Era, Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age, Postwar America, Encyclopedia of American Folklife, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, American Presidential Campaigns and Elections 1788-2008 and Social Issues in America. NEW LINK:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nlebk

Minnesota  Reflections: Find photos, documents, and maps related to Minnesota history.

Other Database Collections and Services

ELM Electronic  Library: This is a great one-stop shop for most research needs. Search ELM for magazine, newspaper and journal articles, eBooks, and information from reference sources - available to  Minnesota residents at no charge!

Databases from  St. Paul Public Library. The St. Paul  Public Library has several databases you can access if  have a SPPL library card. In order to open the databases, you will need  your public library card number and a pin number. If you don’t have these, you can call the SPPL system at  651-266-7000 or go online to to find out how to get your  card or pin number.

MNLink  Gateway: Place requests for books,  CDs, DVDs, and more delivered to you local library. You can also access  electronic books. Note: Must have Public Library Card.


St. Paul Pioneer Press Newspaper

Wall Street Journal