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MLA Style

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It's very important to cite your sources. Just remember that anything you read or watch (yes, even online) was created by someone. You may never meet them, but it's still good to give them credit for their work! Citing your sources boosts your credibility, helps people track down your information, and prevents you from plagiarizing. 

Modern Language Association (MLA) Style

The citation style of the Modern Language Association--more commonly known as "MLA style"--is a method of citing sources that is commonly used in the humanities disciplines, particularly in writing and literature courses. It is also used commonly by high school and middle school classes. MLA style features short parenthetical in-text citations and a Works Cited page at the end of a paper or project.

A sample MLA citation for a book, as it would appear in a Works Cited looks like this:

Alexie, Sherman. Reservation Blues. New York: Grove Press, 1995. Print.

Visit the following websites to help you with creating citations and Works Cited pages in MLA style.

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) MLA Formatting and Style Guide - This page and the others linked below it provide a thorough introduction to MLA style. You can find examples of how to cite a book, website, or other source both in your paper and in your works cited page. There is also sample paper so you can see everything put together. - This website can help you create bibliography entries for your sources in a variety of styles, including MLA. Make sure you select the correct type of source (book, website, etc.), add in as much information as you know (author, publication date, etc.), click "Make Citation," copy the generated citation, and paste it onto your bibliography page. - This website can help you generate and format your works cited entries. Just click on "Manual Cite" and fill in as much information as you can find from the original source. When you're finished, click "create citation" and copy/paste it into your document. 

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