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Parent Teacher Conferences

Please come and find out how your student is doing in school as well as meeting and connecting with their teachers. This is also a good way to show your student you care and are involved. You can come with or without your student.

Virtual conferences during Distance Learning

All Harding teachers are setting up a conference schedule within your student's Schoology Courses on an app called Calendly. Complete details about how to access teachers' calendars and sign up for a conference slot is below.

Students should attend the virtual conference with parents and should assist parents in getting signed up using their iPads and Schoology accounts.

When you sign up, please include your name and your student's name so teachers can prepare for you. A small number of HHS teachers with conflicts on one of those evenings will be providing alternate conference dates and times. Please check the specific date for the specific teacher you want to see. 


Welcome to the HHS Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences!  

Who: Students are expected to work together with their parents to sign up for conferences.   

What: Parents and students select a 10 minute conference time in calendar link-Calendly.  

Where: Calendly link will be on each teacher Schoology page.

How: Watch the brief tutorial video below to sign up in Calendly. Decide what teachers you want to see for conferences. Students and parents together go to the individual teacher Schoology page to sign up. Sign in with student name and email, or with parent name and email AND include student name in message box. Since conferences are a scheduled time, teachers will help to monitor the time so they can get to the next conference appointment.

Calendly Scheduling Tutorial

Do you need an interpreter to attend the conference? Interpreters are available in Hmong, Spanish, Karen, and Somali. Let the teacher know if another language is needed. Write this request in the Calendly invite.  Students may also directly ask their teachers to request an interpreter.

Meet with a Social Worker, Counselor, or School Nurse:  Below are the names of Harding social workers, counselors, and nurse.  Each lists the students they serve.  Select the link following the name of the staff person you wish to meet with on either conference night: 

Social Workers: 

Beth Breen (gr 11, select Special Education students):

Brian Giesen (gr 12, select Special Education students):

Joan Gudorf (select Special Education students):

Hannah Petterson (gr 9, select Special Education students): 

Phua Yang (gr 10, select Special Education students):

Jill Winter (select Special Education students):


Erika Huss (Last names A, B, C, D, E):

Tami Johnson (American Indian Studies Support):

Vang Lo (Last names M, Q, R, S):

Jamie Shady (College and Career Center):

Marianna Sullivan (Names W, X, Y, Z):

Cynthia VanOverbeke (Last names F, G, H, I, J, K):

Mana Vue (Last names T, U, V):

Edward Xiong (Last names L, N, O, P):


Dr. Tom Stinson:

See you at conferences!