Volunteer Opportunities
Science Museum of Minnesota - The Science Behind Pixar Exhibition. Interpreter/Greeter positions. Facilitate fun and engaging hands-on activities to help visitors explore and experience the science behind the PIXAR process of making ANIMATED movies. Help visitors design sets, create code, and imagine inventive solutions, all while they experience what it is like to work at an animation studio. Training will be provided. Volunteers will also help to greet visitors and manage the theater queue line. Bi-lingual preferred but not required. FOR AGES 16+, Volunteer 4 hour shifts: June 9 – September 4. www.smm.org/volunteer
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources http://dnr.state.mn.us/volunteering/opps/index.html
Minnesota Children’s Museum – PLAY TEAM Volunteering Opportunity. For: Current Gr. 8-11.
PLAY WITH CHILDREN!! A fun chance to work with kids and their parents! Complete 2 weeks and 2 weekends (12 total shifts) of volunteering during June 12 – September 1, 2017. ?s –651-225-6046. Group interviews on May 11, May 13 or May 16. Play Team TRAINING: June 4, 10, or 13. MUST APPLY ONLINE. www.mcm.org/youth-volunteer-opportunities/ Due: May 5, 2017
Big Brothers Big Sisters – will be accepting applications for Fall 2017à for Harding Class of 2020, 2019, & 2018. Once a week – 3:30pm – 5:30pm. Volunteer on Tuesdays or Thursdays at American Indian Magnet Elementary School. Spend 1 hour with your Little based on YOUR interests! Free transportation included to & from Harding. Training, snack, and free transportation provided! Interested? Visit CCC or email Kristin Contact Kristin Meyer at 651-485-0715 or kmeyer@bigstwincities.org
Volunteer at local hospitals!
Check out the Volunteering Opportunities Chart sent to your school email or visit the CCC!