Other Training Options
SHORT TERM TRAINING CENTERS LIST www.ppl-inc.org/the-hub/employment/short-term-training-opportunities/
I SEEK www.iseek.org AND https://www.careerwise.mnscu.edu/jobs/jobmarket.html
VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER http://www.resource-mn.org/employment-services/virtual-career-center/
https://www.job-applications.com/ LINKS TO JOB APPLICATIONS BY COMPANY or INDUSTRY
TWIN CITIES RISE Employment Training (Responsible, Independent, Skilled, Employee) www.twincitiesrise.org
Merrick Community Services Highway-Heavy Construction Jobs FREE www.merrickcs.org
Project for Pride in Living Employment Skills Training à
Summit Academy OIC Adult Education + Career Programs http://www.saoic.org/training-options/
American Indian Academy OIC Adult Ed + Career Programs + GED http://aioic.org/education-and-training/
Hmong American Partnership http://www.hmong.org/hap-impact-areas/employment-services/
CLUES (website = Spanish and English) http://www.clues.org/wp_english/economic-vitality/
CLUES – EMPLOYMENT BLOG – THIS IS AMAZING! http://worktrainatclues.blogspot.com/
Hubbs Center Midway AND Hub@Harding http://hubbs.spps.org/work-related_courses.html
Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps - For: Ages 16-24 http://huberthhumphrey.jobcorps.gov/
International Institute of Minnesota http://www.iimn.org/classes/
Goodwill/Easter Seals = JOB Training & JOBS!!! www.goodwilleasterseals.org à click “SERVICES”
Construction Careers Training: www.constructioncareers.org Automotive Careers: www.carcareers.org
Youth Corner – JOBS help - https://www.minnesotahelp.info/SpecialTopics/UnemploymentLink
Workforce Solutions YouthLEAD Ramsey Countyà www.Hired.org/training/ Free career training + job search help
Job Search Training, Occupational Skills Training, WorkForce Center Workshop Registration, Construction Connection Hiring Connection. Sign up to receive WEEKLY EMAILS! http://jobconnectmn.com/home-2/job-seeker-training/
Construction Job Seeker Resource: http://jobconnectmn.com/construction-hiring-connection-wpartners/job-seekers-2/
North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters http://www.northcountrycarpenter.org/become-a-member/
NON-COLLEGE OPTIONS à Great list! http://south.mpls.k12.mn.us/uploads/non-collegeoptions.pdf
College YES! FREE class through the Hubbs Center for students who have graduated from High School, Ages 18-24, and who need to increase their English Language in Reading and Writing for College or Employment. Meets Monday-Friday, 8:15am – 12:15pm OR Monday/Wednesday, 5pm – 8pm. Register on Monday or Wednesday from 9am-11am or 2pm-5:30pm at Hubbs at 1030 University Ave, # 651-290-4822.
College Readiness Academy – FREE! For students committed to going to college. Increase your Accuplacer scores! Strengthen Reading and Writing skills, gain Study Skills, Learn how the college system works, Get a college coach to guide you to college. How: Register, take a reading test, and start class with the ACCUPLACER TEST to see how you do. TIER 1 classes meet Monday-Friday, 8:15am-10:15am, at Hubbs Center in the Midway (child care offered). TIER 2 classes meet Monday-Friday from 11:00am – 12:30pm AT Saint Paul College. Register in advance at Hubbs, 1030 University Ave, 651-290-4822, http://hubbs.spps.org
OTHER TIER 1 SITES include International Institute of Minnesota www.iimn.org at MN State Fairgrounds
and Neighborhood House on Saint Paul’s West Side http://neighb.org/programs/ ALL FREE! J
Gap Year Opportunities:
Gap Year Fair Take a year off after high school experience personal growth through experiential education – travel, learn a new language/language immersion, directed study, outdoor adventure, community service, internships.www.internshipyear.org, gap year fairs, kcheng@dynamy.org 1-508-755-2571 ext 18
The Student Conservation Association Internships/Corps jobs/Outdoor Volunteering - For: High School grads Ages 18 & older. Work for $ 3 to 12 months in small groups. Benefits of serving, including awards for Interns & AmeriCorps SCA members: www.thesca.org/serve/benefits-serving-sca Programs in Minnesota, but also in New York, Pennsylvania, Southern California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Arizona, Idaho. CORPS JOBS: Trail, Fire Corps, Green Cities, Native Plant, Visitor Use Survey, Veterans Fire, Veterans Historicorps, Youth Outdoors. +Career Discovery Internships for 1st/ 2nd year college students.
OTHER SAVE THE EARTH INTERNSHIPS! à www.thesca.org/serve/positions
Serve through AmeriCorps in Minnesota, Gap Year after High School or work after college.
Full-Time positions receive a minimum living allowance of at least $12,530 during your year of service. PLUS an education award of $5,775 to pay for higher education or qualified student loans, plus you are eligible for health insurance, and eligible child care reimbursements paid directly to partnered provider. Part-time and summer positions received a pro-rated living allowance. Considered a domestic Peace Corps program. Must be at least 17 years old. US citizen or permanent resident. SOME programs prefer or require some college experience or a college degree. Otherwise, High School graduates welcome. FULL time members usually start in August, September or October. People of all backgrounds are welcome to apply. ?s – call #612-330-7740
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.serveminnesota.org/programs
Interested? Go to www.serveminnesota.org/contact
National AmeriCorps programs à www.americorps.gov
PROGRAMS with Serve MN – Get involved! Make a difference!
- Americorps Leap Initiative
- City of Lakes AmeriCorps
- College Possible (college degree required)
- Community technology empowerment project (CTEP) + SPNN
- Conservation Corps Minnesota
- Minnesota Alliance with Youth Promise Fellows
- Minnesota Green Corps - Energy Conservation, Green Transportation, Local Foods, Urban Forestry, Stormwater, Waste Prevention & Recycling, or Living Green Outreach
- Minnesota Math Corps
- Minnesota Reading Corps
- Promise Neighborhood Program
- True North AmeriCorps
- Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity