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Dual Credit Enrollment

Take College Courses in High School to Earn Free College Credit and Enter College at Advanced Levels

Students (Grades 9-12) who would like to take college-level courses at Harding High School may do so through several different SPPS programs:

Career and Technical Education (CTE)
The Career and Technical Education program offers field-specific classes held at HHS-- sometimes including industry certification and transferrable college credits.

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)
Challenging pre-college and college-level courses in topics affecting the community and the world taught at HHS.

Concurrent College Enrollment
Through partnerships with the University of Minnesota and Saint Paul College, students can take and potentially earn credit for free introductory-level college classes at HHS.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options
Earn free college credits on a college campus while enroll at HHS through the completion of college-level, nonsectarian courses at participating colleges.