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Student Council

Student Council is a group of 73 students who are dedicated to supporting a positive school climate, boosting school spirit, and maintaining service commitments amongst the school and community at large.

Council members are in charge of all Homecoming and Snodaze activities to include: spirit weeks, pepfests, coronations, dances, and processionals.

Council members are also in charge of various grade level community service projects. Grade level meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month.

Each grade level consists of up to 15 members.

Ninth grade students may apply for membership tin the fall, noting that they there are six community service hours that must be completed by the end of the school year.

Students in grades 10 - 11 can apply for membership in the spring. Members must complete 24 hours of service by the time they graduate.

Once students gain membership they are expected to remain active members until graduation, at which point their dedication will be honored by wearing a student council stole during the graduation ceremony.

St. Council Contact

Thursday: 3:00 - 4:00

Room 1366

Advisors: Ms Quinn and Ms. Scott