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Student Ambassador Program

If you’re a new student coming to Harding High School, you’ll be welcomed by one of Harding’s 50 Student Ambassadors. The Counseling Department created this program because of the high number of new students coming to Harding throughout the year. 
Since transferring schools can be a very confusing and difficult time for families, the Student Ambassador Program makes sure every new student gets the attention and consideration they deserve and need to be successful at Harding.   
The Student Ambassador’s main job is to be a helpful, friendly face for the new student on their first day of school and for the remainder of the school year. Students are matched based on their gender, language and lunch period.
The Student Ambassadors duties include:
  • Walking the new students to all of their classes on their first day
  • Introducing them to their teachers
  • Teaching them how to use the lunchroom
  • Eating lunch together
  • Showing them how to find their bus at the end of the day
  • Answering questions about activities, classes, building facilities and school rules
The Student Ambassadors are invited to participate in the program by their teachers and counselors because they have proven to be positive, responsible, respectful students. Thank you to all our Student Ambassadors!