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NJ ROTC logo

NJROTC, or Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, is a leadership program designed to give young men/women a head start in life. NJROTC develops self-discipline, self-confidence, and leadership skills to help individuals successfully meet life's challenges along the road.

The program is conducted at high schools throughout the nation, and taught by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel. The NJROTC accredited curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology.

Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by extra-curricular activities of community service, academic, athletic, drill and orienteering competitions, field meets, flights, visits to naval or other activities, and physical fitness training. Electronic classroom equipment, textbooks, uniforms, educational training aids, travel allowance, and a cost-share of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.

What does the NJROTC program do?

  • Promotes Patriotism
  • Develops informed and responsible citizens
  • Develops respect for constructed authority 
  • Develops leadership potential
  • Promotes high school completion
  • Promotes higher education
  • Promotes community service
  • Develops a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline and leadership
  • Promotes an understanding of the basic elements and need for national security
  • Provides information on the military services as a possible career
  • Provides an alternative to gangs
  • Provides incentive to live healthy and drug free

From the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps website:

To learn more about the curriculum check our NJROTC Academics page.


NJ ROTC GNATS Blowout (first Saturday in October)

This annual team sports single-elimination tournament is between eight JROTC units (2 Navy, 1 Army, 1 Marine Corps, and 4 Air Force) and is held annually at Harding on the first Saturday in October from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm.  (Spectators are welcome and it's all FREE)

There are 7 sports -- some indoors, some outdoors, all played in 10 - 15 minute running times.

  1. Basketball (indoor - field house)
  2. Volleyball (indoor - field house)
  3. Dodgeball (indoor - field house)
  4. Football (outdoor - football field)
  5. Soccer (outdoor - football field)
  6. Kickball (outdoor - football field)
  7. Relay Race or Tug-o-war (last event)

The winners of each of the seven sports receive medals to wear on their uniforms, and the unit that wins the overall event takes home the Busted Ball Traveling Trophy -- a homemade, 3-tiered beauty!  The winning team vows to display it proudly at their school and to return with it the first Saturday of October the following year.  

It's real exciting stuff, but it's impossible to view all of the games since they're running at the same time on the football field and in the field house. So, of course, you'll need to come each year!



Chief Geoffrey Taylor

Phone: 651-744-7284



The following activities are open to all NJROTC cadets and they compete at area and regional drill competitions.

Drill Team 
M-F: 7:30 am - 8:15 am  
Advisor - Chief Geoffrey Taylor

Color Guard 
M-F: 7:30 am - 8:15 am      
Advisor - Chief Geoffrey Taylor

Physical Fitness Team 
M & W: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm  
Advisor - Chief Geoffrey Taylor

Academic Team
T & Th: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm  
Advisor - Chief Geoffrey Taylor