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IB: DP (Diploma Program)

Harding 2020 Diploma Candidates

What is the IB Diploma Program?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program (DP) is a comprehensive and challenging pre-university course of studies that leads to examinations for highly motivated juniors and seniors.

Why join the IB Diploma Program?

Universities want IB DP students because the IB Diploma Program is academically challenging and aligns with mega-trends in education.  The IB provides:

  • International education
  • 21st century skills
  • Access and equity
  • Content knowledge and habits of mind for success beyond high school
  • International measurements of quality
  • High quality teacher preparation

What does it mean to be an IB World School?

Harding is one of 3 IB Diploma Program World Schools in St. Paul. The IB Diploma Program started at Harding in 1993. We added the MYP in 2015 and the CP in 2018.  It is a special honor to be designated as an IB World School, since that means Harding is a member of the IB Organization, which is a growing team of internationally-minded schools that provide students with quality college preparation in over 145+ countries.

Who can take IB DP classes?

Any student who is motivated to participate in stimulating classes is welcome to enroll in Harding's IB Diploma Program, either by taking the complete IB Diploma Program curriculum or by choosing individual IB DP courses. We encourage all students to try at least one IB DP or Accelerated class each year during their time at Harding so they can expand their minds and challenge themselves to the fullest.

While any qualifying student may take IB DP classes, only juniors and seniors can take the IB DP exams.  Students must be enrolled in an IB DP class in order to take the exam for that class.

Diploma vs. Certificate

Students have the choice to pursue an IB Diploma, which is a full load of IB DP courses from 6 different subject areas, or to pursue certificates, which allows students to select IB DP courses that match their strengths and interests.  Diploma Candidates complete IB DP tests in 6 subject areas. They must also complete Creativity, Activity, and Service requirements, take the Theory of Knowledge course, and write an Extended Essay on a topic of their choice.

The IB Diploma is recognized by colleges and universities throughout the world for admission, college credit, and advanced standing.

Testimonials from Harding IB Diploma Program Graduates

P. Lee: "Being an IB student has helped me become a more open-minded person and has prepared me for any assignments in a college classroom setting."

M. Xiong: “I had a great experience in IB as it allowed me to look critically at subjects such as English and History, growing an interest or respect for topics that I had not been open to before."

Y. Lee: "The IB program teaches you how to open your eyes and see the bigger picture. Whether it be from Europe to Asia or Minnesota, the IB program has helped students from all over the world to achieve one mission: to create a better world through education. It has helped create the very world I see today, please allow this program to expand to touch many more students’ lives.”

E. Akintade: "As an IB student, I was given assignments that challenged my abilities to think analytically, to memorize information, to study and to handle stress in a healthy way."

A. Sanchez: "The IB has taught me to grow into a productive member of society with the power to truly change the world.”

G. Moua: "The fast paced classes, continuous exams, and daily homework assignments and essays helped me greatly in college with writing intensive courses and preparing for exams.”

Y. Xiong: “As a student of the IB program, I found that I was more prepared for college than my colleagues."

W. Yang: "I believe the IB program is more than academic courses that challenge a student's way of learning; the requirements that IB students have to fulfill really help them discover who they are as individuals, and it really helped me discover my areas of interest in college."

T. Wright: "The IB program helped me see my place in society as well as helped me grow into a well-rounded individual."


Notable Alumni of IB DP schools from around the worldHarding is on the National High School Challenge Index of high-achieving schools!

Washington Post Challenging Schools Badge


 #1401 Harding


Harding 2020 Diploma Candidates
DP logo

Questions about the IB at Harding?

Contact Daniel Weyandt, Coordinator of Harding's IB Diploma & Career-Related Programs (DP & CP)


Or Jacob Lindeman, Harding's IB Middle Years Program Coordinator (MYP)


Handy IB Links

IB's official website:

Videos about the IB and from IB conferences

Testimonial about IB

"The IB builds on the most important knowledge, wisdom and ways of knowing from the past; engages seriously with the trends, promises and tribulations of the 21st century; and, most importantly, ponders how we might achieve the kind of world in which we would all like to live--sane, peaceful, sustainable. ...the IB asks, 'To what ends shall we put our knowledge?'"
- Professor Howard Gardner, Harvard University

Harding High IB DP Assessments Calendar

Click on this link to be taken to the
Harding IB DP Assessments Calendar:

May 2021 Harding IB DP Exam Schedule