Harding Senior High School 2024-2025 Family Engagement Plan
The Family Engagement Plan (FEP) is organized into four impact areas. We will work together this year to build positive and goal-‐oriented relationships in each area. Families and staff at the school developed this plan together.
Welcoming Environment
Our school has staff member(s) available for families to discuss this plan and ask questions
• Parent Involvement Staff: Michele Thomas, James Bush, José Brito Ortega, Ivis Carranza Funez, Sarmoo Kwee, Amal Mohamud and Dan Yang, Louis Francisco
• Admin Liaison: Jayson Spence
• Monthly Electronic Parent Updates: Micah Zielske
Our school communicates with families in many ways.
• My SPPS app, monthly parent newsletters, phone calls via EdConnect, emails via EdConnect, school website, parent meetings, parent/teacher conferences, postcards for parent/teacher conferences, and individual emails.
• When families call, email, or send a note, we do our best to respond within 48 hours.
The achievement gap, or rather the “opportunity gap,” between students of color and white students in Saint Paul Public Schools is unacceptable. Our school is working to change practices and systems by identifying the barriers that make it harder for students of color to succeed and for their families to support their learning.
For more about our work on racial equity, contact:
• Anthony Chlebecek, Principal (651) 793-‐4700
• Racial Equity Team: James Bush, Angie Harper, Abby Mund, Principal Anthony Chlebecek, James Lo
• Harding Leadership Team via email hardingsblt@spps.org
Transitions between schools can be challenging, and we work to help families as their children start and leave our school.
For new students and families, we support the transition by:
• Providing opportunities such as New Student Orientation, Tours by appointment, Open House, and Student Ambassador Program.
For students and families moving to the next school in their pathway, we support the transition by:
• Providing students access to the College and Career Center resources
• Providing opportunities for students to participate in College Access Programs
• Providing Post-Secondary Education Options (PSEO) and IB courses
• Providing access for students to schedule a time to meet with school counselors
• Providing transcripts to students leaving before graduation.
Family Partnerships
Our school-‐parent compact establishes the shared responsibility for student success between the school, families, and students. Families and teachers work together to develop the compact.
• Copies of the compact are available:
During the October Parent Meeting, Parent/Teacher conferences, and in the main office year-round.
• The compact was updated: August 2024
There are many opportunities for families to build connections to the school and to each other.
• Parent meetings; including Title 1 Annual Meeting where information will be shared about school programs and student/parent rights and responsibilities.
• Parent/Teacher Conferences.
• National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) will be TBD.
• Harding Hmong New Year will be held on TBD.
• Home visits with social workers as needed.
• Home visits with teachers and homebound students as needed.
We work to make these meetings and events available for every family in the school.
• Phone calls home are made in home languages.
• Educational Assistants are available to translate during the school day.
• EAs lead parent meetings.
• Interpreters are available at parent/teacher conferences.
• Transportation is available during the school day.
• Food and transportation are available during parent meetings.
Our school supports families as advocates and provides opportunities for parent leadership
• What is the process for parents to follow if they have concerns about their child’s learning? Parents can set up an appointment to meet with teachers, administrators, social workers, and counselors.
• Describe how staff will receive professional development about working with families. Staff will be trained during staff professional development days at Harding, in addition to emails.
• Describe how families will be involved in planning for school improvement and family engagement: Families are encouraged to attend parent meetings for more information on how to be involved in developing the Compact, the Family Engagement Plan, and the SCIP.
Teaching and Learning
Our school shares information about state standards, assessment, and student achievement with families in multiple ways
- Report cards and progress reports will be distributed by mail for the parent/teacher conferences.
- Family “Knight” Oct 1, 2024
- Parent-‐Teacher conferences are held three times throughout the school year. Conference dates are Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4-7 PM
- Open House, Parent Portal training, and parent meetings.
- Parent Portal gives information about state standards and assessments
Our school will engage families in personalized learning as a key strategy to accelerate student achievement, as these changes come to our school
- Parent Portal is available by contacting the Parent Involvement staff: Michele Thomas, James Bush, Sarmoo Kwee, and Tou Vang.
- Parents will receive information about the new learning changes during parent meetings and through parent newsletters.
- Parents will be better connected to Harding through the use of My SPPS app
Many before and after-school enrichment and support opportunities are available for students
- Tutoring Support Center (also used as 9th-grade support center), ELL teachers, National Honor Society (NHS) after-school peer tutoring, and individual student arrangements with teachers.
Community Partnerships
Our school develops community partnerships to provide additional support for students and their families
3M-3M STEP, TWIST, E-mentoring, YMCA, Genesys Works, Get Ready, Sanneh Foundation, Change Inc. and Summer Jobs Program.
This plan is available as part of our school’s SCIP, or School Comprehensive Improvement Plan at scip.spps.org, is on our school website at harding.spps.org, and printed copies are available in the office.