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Mr. Tony Chlebecek, Principal

Principal Chlebecek


Qualifications: BA-Marketing Management, University of St. Thomas MS-Masters of Science-Special Education, University of Minnesota-Mankato EBD Licensure Work-based Learning Coordinator, Career Accomodation Specialist, k-12 Principal Licensure-University of Minnesota

Hello Harding Families. I have been working in SPPS since 2000, both at Harding Senior High School as well as Hidden River Middle School (formerly Ramsey Middle School) as an Assistant Principal. I have been very focused on creating a caring and supportive environment where all students are able to feel accepted, respected and important. 
I received my undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas in Marketing Management.  I received my teaching license and Masters of Science in Special Education from Minnesota State University-Mankato.  I also received my Work-based Learning Coordinator, Career Accomodation Specialist, and K-12 Principal License from The University of Minnesota.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my wife and our four daughters.  I spend most of my nights and weekends at hockey rinks, softball fields, soccer fields or at the dance studio.
Please feel free to contact me at any time.